メルマガ受付中!             ごきげんいかが?   

Oneness. who I am ?

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In the beginning it appears that there are four different yogas, but they are one and the same. The only difference is that a certain aspect of mind is involved at a particular time. In Bhakti yoga it is the emotional aspect, in karma yoga it is the active aspect, in Raja yoga it is the mystical aspect, In Jnana yoga it is the intellectual aspect of mind. All the human beings possess all these four aspects, but in some of us one aspect is predominant. Eventually you will transcend the individual ego and realize the oneness. Until you find that ” I “ and realize that oneness there is no way you can find peace and happiness or satisfaction with your life. You will be continually searching for external peace and external happiness. 
By Vishnu devananda.

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